AEC Maritime offers three types of scrubbers. On this page we will give you some more information on these scrubbers. Want to get into the specifics? Give us a call or download the brochure.
Scrubbers are designed to reduce 99% of sulphur emissions while using regular HFO fuels. How does this work?
AEC offers an unique all-in- one solution that cools gases, removes sulphur and eliminates almost all particulates at the same time. The scrubber has an open tower structure without moving parts.
AEC scrubbers are extremely compact and always tailor made, designed to fit the space available in new build or retrofit. AEC offers closed loop scrubbers, open loop and hybrid scrubbers. These three systems have an inline configuration, where the scrubber is directly attached to the engine(s), which makes the system even more compact.
The closed loop is the most frequently used system. The seawater used in the process is continuously re-circulated. Detailed information can be found in our brochure. Download here.
How does it work?
Instead of being re-used, the process water is discharged directly back to sea while complying fully to the IMO regulations. Optionally the seawater can be pumped through a water treatment system to remove all solids and oil. Detailed information can be found in our brochure. Download here.
How does it work?